Cloud Database Comparison AWS Aurora vs. Google Cloud SQL vs. Azure Database for MySQL

October 01, 2021

Cloud Database Comparison AWS Aurora vs. Google Cloud SQL vs. Azure Database for MySQL

Welcome to our unbiased comparison of the top cloud databases available today. Choosing the perfect cloud database is an important decision for any company because it can make or break your project. In this comparison, we will be comparing AWS Aurora, Google Cloud SQL, and Azure Database for MySQL. Buckle up, and let's get started!

AWS Aurora

AWS Aurora is Amazon Web Services' most popular cloud database service. This database is fully managed and highly scalable, allowing you to add or remove capacity on-demand, with no downtime. AWS Aurora is MySQL and PostgreSQL compatible and provides up to five times the performance of the traditional MySQL database.


AWS Aurora's pricing is based on an hourly rate, and it includes data storage, I/O requests, backups, and network usage. The minimum deployment size is 10GB, and the price for a PostgreSQL Aurora database is $0.10 per hour, whereas the MySQL Aurora database starts at $0.02 per hour.

Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud SQL is a fully managed relational database service that supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server. It comes with various features like automatic backups, automatic scaling, and maintenance. Google Cloud SQL also integrates with other Google Cloud products and services.


Google Cloud SQL's pricing is on-demand and includes the storage, memory, and CPU required to run your database. The minimum deployment size is 10GB, and the price for a PostgreSQL database is $0.12 per hour, while MySQL databases start at $0.015 per hour.

Azure Database for MySQL

Azure Database for MySQL is a fully managed, scalable database service that is compatible with MySQL. The service is designed to handle mission-critical workloads and offers features such as automatic backups, high availability, and security.


Azure Database for MySQL's pricing is based on the amount of storage and the vCore resources allocated. The price for a MySQL database starts at $0.0184 per vCore per hour, with a minimum deployment size of 5GB.

Comparison Table

Service Name Compatible Database Deployment Size Minimum Cost per Hour
AWS Aurora MySQL, PostgreSQL 10GB $0.02 (MySQL) - $0.10 (PostgreSQL)
Google Cloud SQL MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server 10GB $0.015 (MySQL) - $0.12 (PostgreSQL)
Azure Database for MySQL MySQL 5GB $0.0184


It is essential to choose the correct cloud database based on the requirements of your project. We hope this comparison of AWS Aurora, Google Cloud SQL, and Azure Database for MySQL has provided you with a better understanding of the different features and pricing models.

If you are looking for a database with on-demand pricing and the flexibility to integrate with other Google Cloud products, Google Cloud SQL is the perfect choice. If your project requires high performance and compatibility with both MySQL and PostgreSQL, AWS Aurora would be perfect for you. On the contrary, if you want a database service that is designed for mission-critical workloads and offers high availability, Azure Database for MySQL should be your pick.

Thank you for reading, and we hope that you have found our comparison informative and entertaining.


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